TiVo Inc. is expanding its video recording service- the latest move targeted at putting TV in people’s hands for viewing anywhere. For those of you who love recording your favorite TV shows, TiVo ToGo is a service which allows you to load television recordings from your stand alone Tivo device to another portable device such as a PSP (Play Station Portable) or an iPod or a windows based handheld device such as a pocket PC. Even though the beta version is out, TiVo expects to officially launch this new idea to TiVo Series 2 subscribers next year.
Why iPods, PSPs or Pocket PCs?
With the addition of the MPEG-4 video format, TiVo hopes to maximize this new found technology on the popularity of iPods, PSPs and pocket PCs which are among the hottest handheld gadgets with video capabilities.
What are the Requirements?
– A networked TiVo
– TiVo ToGo 2.1 or better
– Windows 2000 or XP
– At least 10 GB of available hard disk space
– Portable video player such as Sony PSP or a video capable iPod
– Video encoded software to automatically transfer, convert and store programs
What does this entail?
Many consumers like yourselves are probably trying to conceive the possibility of syncing TiVo shows with your portable video devices, but you need not worry because TiVo will now do the video format conversions that people would rather not deal with in the background. Of course you have to be a TiVo ToGo subscriber, which is currently free for subscribers, to benefit from this hot technology. In addition, it will also require video encoded software provided by TiVo at a low cost and a DVR box (which you buy in order to record your TV programs with TiVo). This advanced TiVo ToGo will enable users for the first time to automatically extract new recordings of their favorite programs to portable gadgets via their PC.
Please do not expect instant results. The transfer process begins with the TiVo Series2 device to the PC which can then be synced to your portable device via the PC and this should not be more than 10 minutes.
Does this benefit people who travel to or people who live in Africa?
You will be able transfer all your favorite programs to from your PC to your handheld device for viewing later and anywhere in the world. TiVo ToGo subscription is definitely a must.
TiVo ToGo to handheld devices is a new technology that would be beneficial to everyone who needs to keep track of their favorite programs i.e. football games soaps etc regardless of geography. Can you imagine TV togo, who wouldn’t want that?

About Jaime Kawesa
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