Occupying Your Mind


To “occupy” means to take control or fill something up. 
Preoccupation with the stresses of today can trap your mind and heart
so tightly that you’ll miss the opportunity to receive the good things
possible in your life. Preoccupation with uncertainty disconnects and
robs you of your effectiveness. Instead of being paralyzed by the
thoughts associated with the pressures around us today, we can choose
to replace these thoughts with the goodnesss of His purpose and promise
for our lives.  By doing this, preoccupation with His influence will
occupy our mindsets instead of external pressures surrounding us

Spend quiet time with the Lord.  Visualize a future based on His
view for your life. Think about all the good features and details from
this desired picture. Anytime stressful matters start to sneak into
your mind, mentally go back to this list.  Let these features occupy
your heart and mind so that the light of the future becomes a reality.

Remember:  You might not know what tomorrow brings but you do know who holds tomorrow.

Alexander Graham Bell once said, “….we often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has
opened for us.”

Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church
International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural
and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.
He can be reached at randym@ speaktheword.org or go to


  • pastorrandy

    Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

About Pastor Randy Morrison

Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

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