God’s Stimulus Package


Good news!  There is a special spiritual stimulus package all signed, sealed and ready for delivery to us. This package includes God’s love, blood, forgiveness and acceptance.  

The entire contents of this package are guaranteed for eternity.  His love is so immense that he gave His only son for us. His love endures all things so that we can be put back together again. His blood is the covenant made with us.

We can’t blame others; rather, He wants us to acknowledge our errors. His blood cleanses what we confess. His forgiveness breaks the link between our failures and us as individuals.When God forgives us, he breaks the link with our past.

His acceptance is all the validation we will ever need. He accepts us regardless of performance. All we need to do is believe in Him.  The best news is that God’s original stimulus package of salvation is always available -it is signed, sealed and ready for delivery if we are ready to accept it!

Remember:  Forgiveness is not a memory lapse; it is releasing painful memories of the past.  He never consults your past to predict your future.


  • pastorrandy

    Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

About Pastor Randy Morrison

Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

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