A Look @ Mshale.com – One Year After Relaunch


A year ago, Mshale re-launched its website making it a lot more user-friendly, while bringing updated African news as they happen. This has allowed Mshale to not only have a national presence, but also an international one.

For those who are not tech savvy or those who have not had the time to visit the Mshale website, here are some vital tips that will enable easy, but substantial intake of vital events within the African community. The Mshale website has several appealing features such as the RSS feeds, the photo gallery, comment section, classifieds, directory, archives, and calendar. In addition, there are a variety of articles and columns that address vital topics relevant to our daily lifestyles such as finance, technology, immigration, entertainment, news and sports.

•    RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds: The Mshale RSS makes it easy for people to keep up with their favorite articles or news headlines in an automated manner than checking them manually. The RSS content can be read using a tool called a “feed reader” or an RSS aggregator. The user subscribes to a Mshale RSS feed by entering the feed’s link into the reader or by clicking on the RSS icon and then selecting the category of articles that you want continue receiving updated content on. These articles include the Atlanta Forum, Business, Entertainment, Features, Finance, Immigration, Lifestyle, News, Opinion, Sports, and Technology etc. 

•    Photo Gallery: This includes images of stories covered by Mshale staff.

•    Calendar: The Mshale calendar contains upcoming events by Africans all over the country. Users can also add their events to the calendar to alert the community on dates and venues.

•    Mshale Mailing List: To sign up for an updated Mshale newsletter, please click on the “Mailing List Sign Up” button, then enter your name and email address, check the “Interests” check box, then click the “Submit” button to submit your request. The newsletter generally contains a round-up of weekly news of nation and local events.

•    Comments: Sometimes a reader is compelled to react to an article as they read it. As has become common on many news sites, the comments feature is an interactive aspect that allows Mshale readers and authors to engage in dialog. Also note that all readers have an email address where they can be contacted directly.

•    Sharing Articles: If you have been to the Mshale website, you have no doubt seen next to each article links that allow you to share your favorite articles with others.

Columns and Sections
•    Technology: This column enlightens Mshale readers about the latest or upcoming technology such as high-tech gadgets, latest software, futuristic houses, high-tech footwear etc.

•    News Headlines: This article informs the reader of the latest events that pertain to our community.

•    Finance: This article gives financial insight to the reader concerning various financial aspects such as taxes and loans.


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