My Country Kenya


Sometimes I’m so blinded,
By pain, poverty, hunger.
I fail to appreciate the blessings
Of family, friends, my land.
To see the beauty that surrounds me
In my country Kenya.

I only see the bad. I want to be angry
At the disappointment around me.
Sometimes I don’t see the love shared,
In this country of poor governance and corruption,
In this country, Kenya.

Sometimes I forget the pleasure
That comes from sharing a common unique language
In a country of forty plus tribes.
I forget the sincerity of a handshake
With hands hard from toil;
The sincerity of a smile
Masked by eyes filled with loss,
In my people, Kenya.

I want a better government.
I want a better job, a better pay.
A better economy, better infrastructure, more security.
I want a better day with no fear, no bribery,
For you and me
My fellow Kenyan.

I love to travel in my country.
To see the green land and high mountain peaks.
To see the lakes, the ocean and wildlife.
To meet people and dream together,
Remind ourselves that all is not lost
And hope still inherently resides
In our home Kenya.

O Lord of all creation,
Bless this our land and nation
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in Unity, Peace and Liberty,
Plenty be found within our borders.
In my country Kenya.


About Helen Kinuthia

Helen blogs on the Minneapolis nightlife and entertainment scene. You can read her entries here.

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  1. I just would like to add that Pan Africanism is on the move and the dream you have is the dream all of us share since our ancestors were ripped from the shores of West Africa.We pray for Kenya and Africa,because we se our future on the line.

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