I Want Peace in Kenya


I want peace in Kenya
And as a Kenyan I have every right to ask for that.
And you Mr. President have the given duty
To ensure I get it.

I want peace in Kenya
Because you Mr. President are going to bed
Resting comfortably in my share of peace
While I cry, I grow angrier, I feel helpless
As I watch my mother, my brother, my grandmother
My cousin, my friend, my neighbor
Die, loose all and become
A people of despair
A people of rage
A people of hate
A people they are not!!!
I want peace!

I want peace,
Just as you do my friend.
Put down that Machete
Set aside the anger, the urge to violence
And let us take a moment to converse.
Sit with me my fellow Kenyan
Because you and I are Kenya.
You and I build this nation.
It is home.
It is our home,
It is our children’s home.
We have always wanted a fair, non-corrupt government
But not had the pleasure of experiencing it yet.
What we have had is lives of fellow Kenyans lost
For a cause our government has never delivered.
So tell me my friend,
Should the fight be against you and me,
Or us against the government?
For our rights,
For our toil,
For the lives of our fellow Kenyans!!!
So let us march down the streets of Kenya, UNITED
To the members of parliament
To Mr. Opposer
To Mr. president
And let them know,
We want PEACE! We want PEACE!

I want peace,
You who we voted into parliament.
You who made promises to me and my fellow Kenyans
On all the positive changes we’d see.
On how you would fight to ensure our safety,
But now watch as thousands die…
I want my peace.

I want peace in Kenya
Because the lives that have been lost,
The homes that have been destroyed,
The businesses that are no more
Are as a result of you and your Opposer, Mr. President.
I want peace in Kenya
Because after all the despair.
After no change to our cries will be incorporated,
It will be up to you and me fellow Kenyan.
Yes, you and me to rebuild our Kenya.
We want peace NOW in Kenya.

I want peace in Kenya.
So Mr. President, Mr. Opposer
Mr. Opposer, Mr. President
Sit and speak not of your need for power
But of the people who are dying,
Of those left behind grieving..
We want PEACE in Kenya.


About Helen Kinuthia

Helen blogs on the Minneapolis nightlife and entertainment scene. You can read her entries here.

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