Amani Delivers Immense Excitement to Minneapolis


Last Saturday night, the place to have beenwas the Blue Nile Restaurant.

I got there around 11:30 p.m, psyched,excited and awaiting the performance of the night by Amani. A Kisima Awardwinner, Amani is the top female artist in E. Africaand most popularly known for her hit singles, “Bad boy, Ninanoki andMissing ma Baibe”. When I got to Bue Nile, Dj KV was playing Zinazopendwa, old school African music, whichmy friends and I slowly danced to as we reminisced with each passing song.

DJ Chris then took over and played someKenyan music with a mix of reggae. Though the dance floor was not necessarilyfilled up, those of us dancing were really into the music and were fully enjoyingit.

Blade Brown and Baraka got onto the stageand performed a few songs. By this time, DJ Dan was at the turn tables mixingit up for the artists. With much emotion and passion, Blade Brown urged theaudience to participate in his performance and delivered quite a remarkableact. After a short break, the show stopper of the night, Amani, dressed in aturquoise dress that highlighted her beautiful figure, got on the stage singing.

The crowd, eager and anticipating herperformance unanimously screamed in glee and excitement. She did not disappoint,singing and enticing the audience with her dance moves and melodic voice.Amani, entertaining and highly energetic, carried the crowd and delivered songafter song.

She sang, she danced, she communicated,joked with the audience and invited a few of them on the stage with her. Herspace was everyone’s space and she made all feel included. Performing a few ofher songs from her new album Tamani, Amani brought out her soulful voice andfun side with her music. She kept the audience captivated and entertainedthrough the night.

With cameras flashing everywhere and peoplereaching out to touch her, Amani’s celebrity status was obvious but did not getto her as she signed copies of her CD and took pictures with many of her fansat the end of the night. Exhausted, worn out and done for the night, Amanistill managed to talk and laugh with her fans, nonchalant and accommodating oftheir needs.

The concert was presented by George “Jojo” Ndegeof Kilimanjaro Entertainment.


About Helen Kinuthia

Helen blogs on the Minneapolis nightlife and entertainment scene. You can read her entries here.

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