Minneapolis Looks Within, Celebrates its Diversity

Minneapolis Looks Within, Celebrates its Diversity

The Minneapolis MOSAIC is launching its seventh annual celebration of the city’s diversity this weekend in downtown Minneapolis. The Twin Cities is home to immigrants and refugees from all over the world. Minnesota has a rich history of immigration, and new arrivals in the past several decades have introduced a blend of new cultures, perspectives, and people to the state. The Minneapolis MOSIAC hopes to capitalize on this diversity, and encourages the city to explore difference through artistic means.

The Minneapolis MOSAIC will feature talented local and international artists, and reflect the vibrant diversity in the city. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak said, “Our rich cultural scene is one of the things that we love about living here—and we love to share it.” The festival hopes to highlight the state’s increasingly diverse demographics, which create an opportunity for artistic exchange and appreciation.
The annual celebration will open this Saturday with an event entitled, “Many Worlds. One Night.” Brian Turner from Cities 97 will emcee one of the stages, and various artists and acts are scheduled to perform during the opening ceremony. The Chamber Ballet of Morelos, a dance company based in Mexico will perform “The Passion,” for its first show in Minnesota. The ballet is fusion of genres and includes elements of jazz, classical, and contemporary styles. Food, items, and displays will be available from Midtown Global Market and Mill City Farmer’s Market food vendors, as well as other independent vendors.

The kick-off event is one of many planned events throughout various locations. The seventh annual celebration will include over a hundred music, dance, theater, visual art, film, and spoken word events that will continue throughout the summer. The festival will be an opportunity for a diverse group of Minnesotans to share their talents, history, experiences, and culture, as well as an opportunity to experience the culture of many other people.
The schedule of activities can be found at the Minneapolis MOSAIC website.


  • Ramla Bile

    Ramla Bile is based in Minneapolis and is a general assignment reporter. She graduated from the University of Minnesota and is a former editorial board member of the Minnesota Daily and a producer for the KFAI collaborative project, Muslims in Minnesota.

About Ramla Bile

Ramla Bile is based in Minneapolis and is a general assignment reporter. She graduated from the University of Minnesota and is a former editorial board member of the Minnesota Daily and a producer for the KFAI collaborative project, Muslims in Minnesota.

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