Those without medical insurance in Minnesota can now enroll in a plan during a 30-day special enrollment through MNsure, the state’s health insurance marketplace. The move by MNsure is in response to the potential growth of coronavirus cases.
MNsure CEO Nate Clark said in a news release received at Mshale that “As more cases of COVID-19 are diagnosed throughout the state, we want to make sure every Minnesotan has the security of health insurance to ensure they can get the care they need if they contract this serious illness.”
MNsure will start accepting applications this coming Monday, March 23 at www.MNsure.org for coverage that will begin on April 1 and applicants must select a plan by April 21. If you enroll after April 1 but before April 21 at 11:59PM, your start date will be retroactive to April 1.
MNsure also said that those who have lost or will lose their employer provided health insurance are also eligible for the special enrollment period. Those wishing to apply during the special enrollment should visit MNsure.org for details.