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My commitment to a new era of US-Africa relations

Since being elected to Congress in 2018 as the first African-born Member to serve, I have worked to reshape engagement with the continent within...

Vice President Kamala Harris in historic meeting with President Samia Suluhu...

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan met on Friday at the vice president's ceremonial office adjacent to the White...

Biden administration to jumpstart Trump-era U.S.-Africa trade and investment initiative

President Joseph R. Biden’s administration is revamping a U.S.-Africa trade and investment initiative that began under former President Donald J. Trump but has been...

USAID Assistant Administrator to address forum on East Africa in Minneapolis

Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District Congressman Keith Ellison's latest community forum will focus on the "The State of East Africa". It will feature USAID Assistant...