Remembering a fallen Liberian-American Soldier

Remembering a fallen Liberian-American Soldier

Albert Ware, an army sergeant, died in Afghanistan in December when enemy forces exploded his convoy.

Ware not only died for America, but he died for a foreign land. With
his family, he immigrated to America as a child to escape the brutal
civil war in Liberia. Now Chika Oduah reports on how his family and
neighbors in the Pullman community honor the fallen soldier.

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  • chika

    Chika Oduah is a multimedia reporter and is currently a Master's degree student at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. As a native of Nigeria, Chika sees journalism as a way to empower the global audience and to inspire democratic change in Africa.

About Chika S. Oduah

Chika Oduah is a multimedia reporter and is currently a Master's degree student at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. As a native of Nigeria, Chika sees journalism as a way to empower the global audience and to inspire democratic change in Africa.

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