Dandies to benefit north Minneapolis sewing collective

The Dandies Project Book Release party will be at 514 Studios in Minneapolis on February 15, 2018. Photo: Courtesy of the Dandies
The Dandies Project Book Release party will be at 514 Studios in Minneapolis on February 15, 2018. Photo: Courtesy of the Dandies

The annual Dandies Project book release party is fast approaching and will be held in Minneapolis’s Warehouse District on Thursday, February 15 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

You don’t know what a Dandy is? Get a primer from Mshale’s Kari Mugo from a previous posting.

The Dandies project as the organizers describe it “is carefully curated and designed into a look book which will serve as a fundraiser effort of the 2018 Dandies.”

The dandies come from a broad spectrum of society but tends to draw heavily from the professional and business classes. The Twin Cities based Dandies Project initially focused on successful men of color but has branched out and now includes all men.

Proceeds from the look book, as in previous years, benefits a local charity. The Dandies Project lead Amara Kamara said this week in a Facebook posting that this year’s beneficiary will be Lovely Sewing & Arts Collective, a non-profit based in north Minneapolis that is bringing back the art of sewing to the community as a tool “to teach patience, focus, leadership, entrepreneurship and accountability.”

What: 2018 Dandies Project Book Release Party
When: Thursday, February 15, 2018 @ 6-9pm
Where: 514 Studios. 514 North 3rd Street, Suite 101, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Admission: Free. Book will be available for sale at $70. Cash and credit accepted. Items for auction also available.
RSVP: Not required but you can do so on this Facebook Invite.


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