Hennepin County is looking for applicants to serve on its advisory boards. Members of the advisory boards advise county commissioners on issues and programs, help set policy, and deal with a variety of topics of concern to the county, according to the county.
All the advisory boards have varying levels of compensation which can either be per diem for each meeting of as low as $50 or an actual monthly compensation of up to $988.90.88 on the case of an appointed commissioner on the Three Rivers Park District board.
Applications, which can be found https://www.hennepin.us/en/your-government/get-involved/citizen-advisory-boards, will be accepted through Dec. 31, 2024. Description of the roles and responsibilities of members are also available at the same link. Applicants are advised to check their eligibility for each board.
If you are unable to fill out the application online, you can call 612-348-3081 for assistance.
As of the time of this writing (Nov. 21), eight different advisory councils are accepting applications, including an At-Large position on the Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners. The park district consists of seven members, five of whom are elected and two appointed by the county board of commissioners. The open position is for one of the appointed seats.
The Special Board of Appeal and Equalization is also looking for seven members to join. A critical responsibility of this board is determining whether all of the taxable property in the county “has been properly valued and classified for the current assessment.” To apply, you must have completed the Minnesota Department of Revenue County Board of Appeal and Equalization Training within the last 4 years.
Others looking for members are the Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council, County Extension Committee – University of Minnesota Extension, Human Resources Board, Library Board, Race Equity Advisory Council and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Board.
Interview with the county board
You can apply for multiple boards. Those eligible will be invited to provide a pre-recorded interview statement to be played for the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners during a scheduled committee or board meeting. You will have three minutes to introduce yourself and talk about why you’re interested in the position.
If you apply for more than one board, you only need to provide one interview statement.
Minnehaha Watershed District Board
The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board is a joint responsibility between Hennepin County and Carver County with a seven-member composition. Hennepin County appoints six of the members while Carver County appoints one. Members serve staggered three-year terms.
The watershed encompasses 178 square miles and includes Lake Minnetonka, the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes, Minnehaha Creek.
To be eligible you must be a resident of the district but you cannot be a public officer of the county, state or federal government.
Meetings happen twice a month at the district office in Minnetonka and members are compensated $125 per meeting and reimbursed for traveling.
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