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Doors opened at 8:00pm and people started streaming in. I was excited and quite surprised that I was not at all nervous about hosting the tribute concert to Lucky Dube. The auditorium was well lit, decorated to a calm perfection with a spacious dance floor and stage. On one corner was a huge projector with music videos by Lucky Dube as well as short clips of interviews he carried out during the early years of his career.
Change or Perish, Anti-AIDS Activist Tells Africans
HIV-positive Zambian mother says all the money in the world won’t end epidemic without behavioral change.
Minnesota Women Advocates Important Nationally, Says Calif. Congresswoman
Historically, Minnesota has been at the forefront of the women’s movement. With the endorsement of Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Office of the President of US, the Minnesota Women’s Political Caucus continues to support progressive women in office.
Who Said You Have to be African to Sing African?
ST. PAUL, Minn. – With European names like Macpherson, McCurdy, Crockett, and Sollenberger, one might think resulting music would include an accordion or bagpipe. But the fall concert held at the Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center of Macalester College in St. Paul on Dec. 8, presented African sounds, lead by Sowah Mensah, ethnomusicologist, composer, and master drummer from Ghana.
Minn. Department of Health to Fund HIV/AIDS Education
The Minnesota Department of Health will spend $250,000 over the next 21 months to fund public health nonprofit organizations dedicated to HIV/AIDS testing, care and education, an official said.
Minnesota Muslims Mark Eid-el-hajj With Prayers
The Islamic holiday celebrates Prophet Abraham’s faith and his obeying of Allah’s command to sacrifice his only son.
African Airlines to be Held to Higher Safety and Security Standards
Officials talk tough in a desperate attempt to improve a reputation they say is tarnished by a few bad apples, making air travel in Africa the most dangerous in the world.
Gaskins is New Head of League of Women Voters
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The board of directors of the Minnesota League of Women Voters appointed local attorney Keesha Gaskins, as the organization’s executive director, according to an announcement released by the group last month.
Africa’s Hope for Unity Lies in Information Technology
‘During the 19th century Industrial Revolution, Africa remained what economists call a laggard …Africa cannot afford to lag behind in this revolution.’
Show Me the Money: Funding Your Small Business
TAKSCO, LLC is a professional firm providing tax, customized accounting and strategic business consulting to clients in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro area.
New USCIS Rules on the Horizon: Proposed Rule on Permanent Resident Card Replacements
The U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services issued a proposed rule on Aug. 22, 2007 that would require permanent residents with the older version of Form I-551 (green card), with no expiration date, to apply for a new card.