Senate Resolution Passed Unanimously!


Now we need to build and sustain pressure on the State Department and the White House to implement its recommendations. Please take these simple actions.

Congressman  Donald Payne (D-New Jersey) and Senator Russ Feingold have introduced a  concurrent bill into Congress: H.CON.RES.283.

The resolution calls for tough measures against PNU and ODM leaders who incite violence and refuse to engage in mediation,  including travel bans, and asset freezing.

Please take the following action steps:

1) Contact your Congress representatives and urge them to co-sponsor the bill.

2) Contact the White House, the State Department, and Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, urging them to act NOW to implement the recommendations of the Senate Resolution on Kenya

White House  Fax Number:      202-456-2461
White House Comment Line:    202-456-1111
White House Main Switchboard: 202-456-1414
White House Email:                   [email protected]
Vice-President’s email:             [email protected]

State Department, Condeleezza Rice, Secretary of State
Direct Office Line:        202-647-5291
Main Switchboard:          202-627-4000

Jendayi E.Frazer – Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Affairs
Direct Phone Line:  202-647-4440
Email:    [email protected]


  • shailja

    Shailja Patel is a Kenyan poet, writer and theatre artist who has performed at venues from New York's  Lincoln Center to the Zanzibar International Film Festival. Patel's first full-length show, Migritude, premiered in the San Francisco Bay Area, and toured Kenya to critical acclaim in 2007. The show was selected as the subject of the 2007 season premiere of SPARK! –  KQED TV's award-winning arts programme .Patel's work has received awards from, among others, the Ford Foundation, the National Performance Network, and Indian American Women Empowered. Most recently, she is a founding member of Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice, a coalition of Kenyan citizens and legal, governance, and human rights organizations, working towards a viable peace in the Kenya Crisis stemming from the December 2007 elections.

About Shailja Patel

Shailja Patel is a Kenyan poet, writer and theatre artist who has performed at venues from New York's  Lincoln Center to the Zanzibar International Film Festival. Patel's first full-length show, Migritude, premiered in the San Francisco Bay Area, and toured Kenya to critical acclaim in 2007. The show was selected as the subject of the 2007 season premiere of SPARK! –  KQED TV's award-winning arts programme .Patel's work has received awards from, among others, the Ford Foundation, the National Performance Network, and Indian American Women Empowered. Most recently, she is a founding member of Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice, a coalition of Kenyan citizens and legal, governance, and human rights organizations, working towards a viable peace in the Kenya Crisis stemming from the December 2007 elections.

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