Words of Victory!


The words we speak are powerful tools for achieving our goals and dreams in life.  Claiming dominion over situations through the statements we make will keep our mind focused on solutions versus problems.

When we are consistently aligned with God, we have the power to speak life into all that the Lord has promised to us.  On the other hand, words of darkness and negativity will keep us in a “doom and gloom” position in life.
1 Samuel 17:40-41 shows us how David boldly rejected the opposition by refusing to speak words that contradicted his belief system.  We must be vigilant and determined not to give in to negative statements that cancel out God’s promises. Influences of negativity are waiting for us to bring them to life through our words and thoughts.
Consistently speaking out words of victory, promise and hope even during challenging times is important in order to reach our goals and dreams.
Remember: When we lack confidence in God, we actually speak faith into circumstances and influences that are working against us.


  • pastorrandy

    Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

About Pastor Randy Morrison

Randy Morrison is the Senior Pastor at Speak the Word Church International, one of the largest, nondenominational, multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

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