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Global Warming: Africa Will Suffer the Worst if we Don’t Act


Global warming is a reality and not a myth. That is why I strongly advocate for Africa’s active participation in joining the global coalitions addressing this important issue as it is our planet and our lives that are at stake.

Global warming is a reality and not a myth. That is why I strongly advocate for Africa’s active participation in joining the global coalitions addressing this important issue as it is our planet and our lives that are at stake.

Nollywood: Too Compelling a Story to Ignore


Accordingto urban mythology, Nollywood, as the Nigerian film industry has been dubbed,owes its birth partly to an excess of blank videotapes that flooded the Lagos streets in 1992. The source: a single businessman.

Taxi Driver at Dawn, Somali TV Cameraman by Noon


MINNEAPOLIS — Before the firstlight shines over the Mississippi River, Siyad Salah is already on the roadoutside Minneapolis,driving a taxicab for a living. By early afternoon, he’s carrying around hisvideo camera, interviewing and shooting images for his volunteer work at alocal Somali television station.

Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy


When refugees arrive in the United States they can encounter many new foods, including chips, soda, candy and fast food. For some refugees this food represents a new life and they eat too much of it.

Spring Cleaning: Tax Records You Can Throw Away


Spring is a great time to clean out that growing mountain of tax and financial papers that clutters your home and office. Here's what you need to keep and what you canthrow out without fearing the wrath of the IRS.

You Need to be ‘Good’ to Become a Naturalized U.S. Citizen

While permanent residents may reside in the United States without ever becoming citizens, they do not have all the rights and privileges that U.S. citizens have. For example, permanent residents may be barred from re-entering the United States or be removed from the United States if they are convicted of certain crimes, especially aggravated felonies.

U.S. Plans to Deport All Undocumented by 2012


SAN FRANCISCO -- Recent nets cast by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) captured hundreds of undocumented immigrants at worksites nationwide. In their wake, say immigrant rights advocates, family members and attorneys for those arrested struggle to find their loved ones and clients. As ICE expands, though, so will the deportations, the so-called "golden measure" of its success.

African Coalition Thwarts Zimbabwe Arms Shipment


The African press is hailing the coalition of South African humanrights groups, media, unions and judiciary who defied their governmentand prevented the offloading of arms destined for Zimbabwe. The shiphas now been recalled to China.

A, B, C + 1, 2, 3 = Less Depression for Elderly African Immigrant...

BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. – Sarah G. Swen walks to the courtesy telephone mounted on the wall in the hallway outside her classroom and pulls a small phonebook from her purse. The number she is looking for is scribbled in large print covering most of the 3-inch by 5-inch page.

Clinton survives Penn.; Obama still leads in delegate count


Hillary Clinton, buoyed by a strong turnout of women and older voters, earned another must-win victory Tuesday in the bitterly contested Democratic primary in Pennsylvania.

Minnesota Minorities Here to Stay but not Home Yet

Minnesota’s face has indeed changed demographically since its founding 150 years ago, but the statestill lags behind in the area of equality and social justice, University ofMinnesota scholars said at a sesquicentennial celebration yesterday.