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Africa 4th in Broadband Penetration – Study Shows
Africa has been rated fourth in broadband penetration among six continents that were sampled by the Economist Intelligence in the year 2007.
The study conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Africa as fourth in its uptake of broadband services within the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region scoring 7.4 behind North America 10, Western Europe 9.9, Central and Eastern Europe 7.6. After MEA came Latin America with 7.3 and Asia Pacific 7.1 within the six regions under review.
Umunne and Umunna, the Igbo Children
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Young women wiggled their bellies and shook their torsos to the tune of the music. Gentlemen – with bundles of one-dollar bills in their hands – lined up to tip their favorite dancers. Women dispensed generous amounts of dollars, too. It was one big party, but not the kind you are thinking about. It was the fourteenth-annual IgboFest.
UNICEF appoints South African fashion icon Gavin Rajah Goodwill Ambassador
Designer to champion protection of children from violence and abuse
Cape Town, South Africa, 11 August... UNICEF last night announced the appointment of top South African couturier and humanitarian activist Gavin Rajah as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. The announcement by the world’s premier children’s organization came at the close of the designer’s Cape Town Fashion Week show in the city South Africans affectionately call the “mother city”.
I-35 Tragedy
Innocent Galinoma: A Journey in Reggae
I'm sitting at Cafe Latte on Grand Avenue and Victoria Street sipping a hot cup of coffee. I know it's summer, it's really humid, but my nerves are on a roll and need calming. I'm early for an interview with Innocent Galinoma, a reggae artist based in Minnesota, but originally from Tanzania. The coffee helps me relax as the minutes tick away. I go through my questions for the tenth time and revisit in my mind, the songs I know by Innocent. Before long, I'm sitting face to face with the artist himself. Two things immediately stand out: one, I gave him the wrong directions, however, he still made it, and the second, his long dreadlocks are no more. He's cool about it all and seems very comfortable with the new look. We chat for a few minutes before getting into the interview.
Saving For College with 529 Plans
Letter from the new editor
As Mshale’s new editor, I wanted to start by welcoming the African community and friends of our continent to the newspaper. But I remembered that most of our readers have known the publication longer than I have. Therefore, I’m going to thank you in advance for welcoming me to Mshale and Minneapolis.
Karmel Mall Merchants Lock Horns With Landlord
Lynx Win to End Losing Streak
Ethiopian Invasion of Somalia Still a Sensitive Issue
Anyone keen on reading bumper stickers this summer might notice one in the Twin Cities area that reads, “ETHIOPIA OUT OF SOMALIA NOW!”