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2007 Inflation Adjustments Widen Tax Brackets, Expand Tax Benefits

Personal exemptions and standard deductions will rise, tax brackets will widen and income limits for IRAs will increase in 2007, thanks to inflation adjustments...

The Watchdog Needs a Watchdog

There is a dark side of the Kenyan press that most journalists would rather not talk about. It’s not a secret, but it’s shameful and embarrassing. Everyone knows it goes on everyday.

Free HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C testing for African Immigrants

African-born immigrants from Togo, Congo, Liberia and Cameroon who live in Minnesota brought their families to the ZYOMBI International Project (ZIP) for Christmas gifts a week from Christmas.

Bill of Rights for Wellness declared on Africa World AIDS Day

The third Africa World Aids Day (AWAD) turned thunderous as attendees stood up to join key note speaker Dr Bra Vada Garrett Akinsanya in calling for a Bill of Rights for Wellness for all people.

AIDS: Youth Voices for Right Choices

A quarter a century after the discovery of HIV, the number of people living with the virus has risen to about 40 million. according to the latest statistics from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, over 4 million people were newly infected in 2006.

Lura: Songstress of Cape Verde

Kissed by the lips of fate, Lura has evolved over the past fifteen years from her initial splash into the waters of world music.  Her alluring Cape Verdean sound, produced with the help of musical director, Toy Vieira, enchanted the nearly full house at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis on December 14th.

Pan African Business Alliance Re-energized

The Pan African Business Alliance (PABA), Minnesota's pioneer African chamber of commerce, has a new slate of officers and a fresh strategic direction.

Redsan: The Rising of a Kenyan Star

Over the past decade, Kenya’s musical industry has undergone tremendous development to become a powerhouse in Africa. This rise has spawned a new generation of artists, merging traditional African sounds with external influences to create unique neo-Kenyan music. One such artist is Redsan, known to many as East Africa’s king of Dancehall.

Fadhili Nkurlu – A Music Legend in the Making

In the East African music circles Fadhili Williams - composer of the world famous song Malaika- is a household name. Now, a new Fadhili Nkurlu, a Tanzanian born music artist is a rising star in Minnesota and will release his first ten-song album before the end of this year.

Mshale Obituary and Remembrance

Anne Hinga-Gitaa, a former St. Paul Public Schools teacher and mother of two, died at Abbot Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis Tuesday, December 5.
“Ever since I have known her, she always wanted to help teenagers and to work in special education,” said her husband, Tom Gitaa, who is publisher and editor-in-chief of Mshale, a Pan-African monthly newspaper. “She was also a strong Christian and a voice for justice.”

South Africans Sweep African Cycling Championship

PORT-LOUIS, MAURITIUS - South African cyclist Daren Hill won the African Championship held in the Island State of Mauritius in the south west of the Indian Ocean, on November 10-12.