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Huge Strides Made to Treat HIV in Sub-Saharan Region


Countries in sub-Saharan Africa have dramatically improved access to HIV and AIDS treatment for citizens over the past three years, a United Nations report has found.

The report entitled "Towards universal access - scaling up priority HIV and AIDS interventions in the health sector" is a joint effort from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF).

East Africa Investment Conference Concludes in Washington

WASHINGTON, DC - The East Africa Investment Conference on Investment has ended with a call to the private sector to deal with the employment challenge in the region.

The one-day conference held at the World Bank headquarters in Washington aimed at discussing regional investment opportunities in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.

Something from Nothing: The Other Face of African Art

For many, the term African art conjures up images of deftly carved wooden sculptures and masks with intricate patterns, heavily beaded royal attire or elegant, brightly colored textiles. At Minneapolis Gallery 13, through John Olympio's canvass paintings, we are introduced to a different side of African art.

Africa Celebrates Film Industry at AMAA 2007

It was a night to remember. Saturday the 10th of March 2007 Bayelsa State (also known as the Glory of Lands), Nigeria hosted the main players in the film industry from the continent.

Ghana @50 Pledges to Keep Freedom Flame Burning

Thousands of Ghanaians and well-wishers stood in silence at the capital of Accra on that faithful hot day of March 6th, 1957, as the thunderous speakers of the independence square blurted out the famous words of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, “Ghana, your beloved country is free forever,” he shouted. The jubilant crowd roared in response. Nkrumah, the founding president of what is now the republic of Ghana, was the hero of the day. Many listened and hung on to his words as if their lives depended on it, as though they had been waiting for that moment all their lives, and in so many ways they had.

From the Savannah: A Woman’s Hopes and Dreams

In the horizon among the shrubs of the Savannah, in Northern Tanzania, live the Barabaig. Demarcation of land, both by the colonial government and different Tanzanian administrations has pushed the Barabaig to extreme poverty. From what seems despair, Mary Gitagno has risen, not just uplifting herself, but her whole community.

Kenya Ideal for Investment, Kimunya Tells Diaspora

Minister Tickles Funny Bones in Atlanta, Booed in Minneapolis

ATLANTA – In an apparent attempt by the government to woo the Diaspora to invest in Kenya, Finance Minister Amos Kimunya told his fellow citizens abroad to put their money to work in their motherland, which he said had undergone tremendous economic growth.

Scholar Urges Kenyans to Develop “New Culture”

Ethnic-based Politics Threaten Stability

ATLANTA – Unless Kenyans shun the politics of tribe, they will continue to experience severe social and economic problems that still exist more than 40 years after independence, a Fulbright Scholar at Kennesaw State University said.

Dr. Eric Masinde Aseka asked leaders to cultivate and embrace a culture of integrity based on good character. Only then will they be able to earn the trust of Kenyans, he said.

Compagnie TchéTché Loses its Founding Member

Beatrice Kombé (1971-2007) died February 22, 2007, a result of kidney failure.  Ms. Kombé founded the all-women dance company Compagnie TchéTché in 1997 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

New Money Transfer Service for Kenyans Abroad as PostaPay Launches in US


BALTIMORE, Maryland – The Postal Corporation of Kenya yesterday officially launched PostaPay, its money transfer service, for Kenyans overseas at a ceremony officiated by the Kenyan ambassador to the United States, Mr. Peter Nicholas Rateng’ Oginga Ogego, at a local hotel. The service is being offered through a partnership with Afripayments LLC, a US based company that is also part owner of Nairobi based Afripayments Kenya Ltd. The Kenyan entity is a joint venture between Afripayments LLC and a group of Kenyan investors, according to Ms. Caroline Kurgat, Afripayments Manager for International Business Development when she spoke with Mshale moments after the launch.

Liberians leave U.S. to build businesses back home

Ciata Victor gave up a high-paying tech job, a spacious condo and a first-world life in Maryland to return home to an African capital that barely has electricity or running water.