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Minnesota Minorities Here to Stay but not Home Yet

Minnesota’s face has indeed changed demographically since its founding 150 years ago, but the statestill lags behind in the area of equality and social justice, University ofMinnesota scholars said at a sesquicentennial celebration yesterday.

Tutu Condemns War Spending, Calls Enemies ‘Family’

MINNEAPOLIS – In a short speech punctuated by punch lines, Nobel PeacePrize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu spoke Friday against war andbloated defense budgets, calling instead for turning enemies intofriends and spending on the needy.

New High School on the Block

MINNEAPOLIS – A normal American high school student wishing to take ajob may be doing so only to earn a few dollars for a movie with agirlfriend or to buy a cool gadget like an iPod. You might see such ateenager flipping burgers at the local fast food eatery, or bagginggroceries and pushing carts at the supermarket. It is almost unheard ofto find a high school student clad in a suit and tie going to work at abank or a similar job. But that is exactly what the students of CristoRey Jesuit High School do.

Banking on Diversity: An African Woman Redefines Finance

When M&I Bank needed a strong manager to lead a new branch in a multiethnic neighborhood, Felicia Ravelomanantsoa stepped up to the challenge.

MINNEAPOLIS – As a little girl growing up in the African island nation of Madagascar, Felicia Ravelomanantsoa thought she already knew her destiny. Like many girls in Africa, she thought she was being raised to become a mother and nothing more. After all, her mother had quit teaching to take care of the children, while her father worked. But her thinking began to change as she grew older and went to school.

Singer Amie Dibba: Gambian ‘People’s Choice’


On Amie Dibba's last trip to her home country of The Gambia she stumbled across a familiar land and a familiar tune. Dibba frequently heard the polyphonic version of her favorite song “African King” - the song that she wrote for her Child of Africa album had morphed into a popular cell phone ringtone. Those bobbing their heads to the catchy R & B/Reggae beat did not recognize Dibba's face, but that was temporary. A couple years and awards later, Amie Dibba's voice and face are recognizable to her fans in The Gambia, the United States, and everywhere in between.

Activists Call for Global Feminism

A global movement to end the abuse of women was the theme at the 13th annual International Women’s Day celebration at the University of Minnesota, where women from all over Minnesota gathered in March to highlight their plight.

U.S. Presidential Candidates Must Renounce All Extremists

There are so many important issues for the American people and politicians to pay attention to this election season. Sadly, many people are avoiding productive debate of those issues and are instead seeking to divide our nation along racial and religious lines.

Time to Stand up for Women’s Rights

Last month women around the world celebrated gains they have made in the quest for equality. At an annual International Women’s Day conference at the University of Minnesota it was evident that there is still a lot more work left to balance the scales. . One of the biggest crimes against women is violence at the hands of their significant others.

Talking to Your Traumatized Child

Just like adults, children and young people experience stress and anxiety as they adjust to a new culture. Mary and her son are similar to many new arrivals. They survived a civil war in Africa then lived in a refugee camp, before making a new home in Minnesota. Mary now works at a nursing home. Her son is in middle school, but was recently suspended for fighting.

USCIS Announces 18-Month Extension of Temporary Protected Status

On March 10, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nationals of Somalia through Sep. 17, 2009.

Getting The Most From Auto Expenses

If you use a car for business, you have two choices for claiming deductions: