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West African Artists and Actor Shake the Twin Cities

July 21was a very busy night, as hundreds of fans flocked the auditorium at Armstrong High School for a night of action that included appearances by three prominent West African celebrities.

Minnesota Women’s Political Caucus to Target the Underrepresented

Minnesota will soon see a change in political involvement and leadership in communities of color. The Minnesota Women’s Political Caucus, which has been around since 1971, has made a commitment to tap into this change, says Executive Director Keesha Gaskins. The goal is to work to respond to the political needs of women today, she says.

Plans Underway for Pan African Investment Summit

In its continued effort to get the African market more in sync with the global market economy, Minnesota-based Pan African Business Alliance is planning a investment summit in October that will be attended by various dignitaries, an official of the organization said.

Immigration Appeals Board Makes Significant Ruling on Returning Permanent Residents

The Board of Immigration Appeals issued a favorable decision in June that also set a precedent regarding lawful permanent residents.  In Matter of Abosi, the Board decided that a returning lawful permanent (LPR) resident seeking to overcome a ground of inadmissibility is not required to apply for adjustment of status in conjunction with a waiver of inadmissibility under.  

Setting up a Small Business, What You Need to Know

Mtaka Malinyingi arrived in the United States in 1999.  To make ends meet and to help support a large extended family back in his native Tanzania, he worked as an aide in various nursing homes, kitchens and day care centers. He has some modest savings in a local bank.

New Gadget on the Block: The DocuPen RC800 Scanner

It pays to be up-to-date with all these fancy gadgets surfacing time and time again and constantly being placed on the market due to so much competition in this technology boom era.

Uganda’s Chameleon on US Tour

Ugandan musician Joseph Mayanja a.k.a. Jose Chameleon is currently on a tour of the United States that is scheduled to bring him to the Twin Cities on August 11th.

U.S., African Anglican Bishops Meet to Forge Stronger Relations

U.S. Episcopal bishops and Anglican leaders from Africa concluded a six-day conference Thursday that was arranged to strengthen relationships and build new ones.

The Pattern of Life


I think there is a reason for every moment in ones’ life

Even when that reason cannot be explained or understood.

There is a purpose to the happenings, the occurrences in life.

And though things may not always go as one believes,

Or desires them to,

Every minute lived is important and it matters.

Afro-Caribbean Boat Cruise


There is something about a cruise that is exhilarating. It might be the open air and freedom of being on the water, the breeze that so easily carries on and on, or the music and chit-chat that drifts among people. This years' summersplash was compounded with a boat cruise on Harriet Island in downtown St. Paul.

UNESCO Announces Winners of 2007 Literacy Prize – 3 Groups from Africa Among Them

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization today announced five winners – from China, the United States, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania – of this year’s Literacy Prizes.

The honours are awarded yearly to recognize particularly effective efforts made in the fight against illiteracy, one of UNESCO’s priorities, and raise awareness of the work of thousands worldwide promoting the cause of literacy for all.