DED - search results
3,000 Attend Obama Fundraising in Minneapolis
Olara Otunnu Receives Harvard Law School Association Award
1st Annual Shades of Diversity Juneteenth Dinner & Fashion Show
Inaugural Africa Investor Awards Honors Top Capital Market Performers
Keesha Gaskins Takes The Helm at Minnesota Women’s Political Caucus
UK Kicks Off Fund for African Business
Baroness Amos told reporters at WEF-Africa that Britain would be contributing US$20 million (approx R140 million) over three years to the Africa Enterprise Development Fund, set up to encourage entrepreneurship on the continent.
Madaraka Day Festivities
African Immigrants a Successful Bunch, But Not Overall
African immigrants in the United States are generally more educated and earn larger salaries compared to people from other continents, but their success depends on what country they come from, according to a new report.
World urged to focus on Africa’s economic success stories
It’s a Family Affair at Madaraka Day
Memorial Day Weekend
Friday May 25th
It’s around 10:30pm and I just arrived at the Lounge night club, downtown Minneapolis. There are only a handful of people at the club, though I know for sure in a little while it will pick up. The reggae riddims vibrating from the speakers rock my body to motion.
I can’t remember when or how I first got into reggae, but it now seems to be the music of choice, not just for me, but for quite a number of East African people I know. 11:15pm and people are slowly shuffling into the small club room where Dj Hustla of Mezesha Entertainment keeps the rhythms flowing.