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“Buy The Future”

“A sense of responsibility hit me…that’s the BC and AD of my life.” Many speak of a “before” and “after” in their lives; a moment that discloses definition and provides guided purpose for the future.

Linyekula Displays Hope, Innocence and Dreams In Modern Dance

Along with over 200 other people crowded into the Walker Art Center performance hall, for over 30 minutes on May 17th,  I watched dancer Faustin Linyekula's mind unfold as he contorted and splayed his body before us, giving physical form and movement to his thoughts on art and immigration.

The Woman Who Would Be President

At the moment, the odds seem stacked against her. But her ascension to Zimbabwe's highest office cannot be ruled out. In fact, many ruling party insiders still consider her to be very much in the running to succeed President Robert Mugabe.

Zambian Ambassador Advocates HIV/AIDS Awareness

Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika, Zambian Ambassador to the US, was in Minneapolis in May to support the efforts of World Vision and the International AIDS Trust who have a joint project on the development of leadership in women.

Appointment of Special U.S. Envoy to Somalia Brings Mixed Reactions


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last month appointed a special U.S. envoy for Somalia, ending more than 10 years of no diplomatic presence in the African nation. But some experts and local Somalis say the move is too little, too late.

Blair and Africa: The Critics Are Wrong

Failure in Iraq: those three words seem to define (for many Britons) the legacy of their soon-to-be-former prime minister, Tony Blair. But ask an African and an environmentalist, and the answer to the question of Blair's defining legacy may well be different.

Why Limit Immigration When We Need More Workers?

If we're going to debate immigration, let's at least get our facts right. Contrary to heated rhetoric coming from both the left and right, we're not being flooded with foreign-born residents.

Conflict Resolution Training Sessions

Conflict resolution and mediation are needed in the work place and in organizations where arising ideas and different personalities might result in conflict.

Homeowner Records: What to Keep and How Long

Keeping full and accurate homeowner records is vital for determining not only your home deductions but also the basis or adjusted basis of your home. These records include your purchase contract and settlement papers if you bought the property or other objective evidence if you acquired it by gift, inheritance, or similar means.

CNN Bio on Former Africa Correspondent Jeff Koinange

Jeff Koinange is CNN’s Africa correspondent, responsible for reporting for CNN from across the African continent. Since joining CNN in 2001, he has reported on news events throughout Africa for the international news network.

Since joining CNN, Koinange has covered a range of African issues and events with a dedication to professional impartiality while using his experience to report on his topics sympathetically.

Congressman Payne Calls for Stronger U.S. Action Against Vulture Funds

Yesterday, Congressman Donald M. Payne, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, held a hearing on the topic "Vulture Funds and the Threat to Debt Relief in Africa: A Call to Action at the G-8 and Beyond." During the hearing, Payne urged the US government to take action against the predatory practices of a class of commercial creditors appropriately known as "vulture funds".