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When a group of Nigerian engineers met in Minnesota about 23 years ago with a vision of networking amongst each other, none of them imagined the growth that would ensue in the years that followed.
On June 22, 2006 the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in Fernandez-Vargas v. Gonzales in which the Court held that a 1996 provision of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) could be applied to individuals who had been deported and subsequently reentered the country...

 If you lend money to your closely held corporation or to a member of your family, be sure to handle the transaction with all of the formalities of an "arm's-length" loan to a stranger. The IRS carefully scrutinizes loans where the lender and the borrower are "related."

Are you concerned that the highly publicized “skimpy” swimsuits of today are damaging to your health? If this is a fear of yours, you need not worry for a new technology that would enable you to enjoy the sun in a safe way is currently on the market.
Minnesota Non-profit Assists Guguletu (South Africa) In the Fight against AIDS
“I’ve got a story to tell,” Faada Freddy insists loudly over the mic, “rap music was born in Africa.”  If the crowd at the Loring Park Summer Music & Movie event consisted of mostly Africans, they would have roared their agreement.  But since a majority of the 1300 people in the audience probably claim northern European heritage, we stand there a bit befuddled. I could have sworn hip hop started up in Harlem, New York, back in the late 1970s.

As we approach the 2007 general elections in Kenya, non-residents are grappling with the question of wither the country goes come January 2008.  Debate of the precise role of hundreds of thousands of Kenyans abroad has begun in earnest. A recent, widely circulated article by presidential aspirant Joseph Nyagah was no surprise. He exhorted the Kibaki administration to “involve Kenyans abroad in tackling the country’s problems”.

A dozen African radio broadcasters visited Minnesota in July to compare notes with other media practitioners in the United States and found a lot of common ground with their local counterparts. Local radio broadcasters from KMOJ and KFAI as well as editors and publishers from the local African newspapers including Mshale, were involved in the enriching cross-fertilization of ideas in their noble profession.
The Chairman of IgboFest 2006, Prince Jon Uche Ezeagwu has promised Minnesotans and other guests who will attend this year’s event on Saturday August 12 at the out-door grounds of the University of St Thomas, in St Paul to expect a package that will outshine last year’s celebrations.
"She said, 'since I'm having boys, I'm not going to die cooking for you guys, you're going to learn how to cook!'" Steven Kaggwa tells me as we sit in his restaurant.  He's speaking of his mother who raised five boys and one girl in Uganda.
Rwanda’s “Ambassadors of Peace” touch hearts at Coffman